

​I've been using mongo pretty heavily the last year or so.  Consequently, I've spent a lot of time in the mongo shell and this has served me well enough for quite a while.  But the biggest drawback to using the shell is the scrollback.  For large result sets, the firehose of results can be hard to wade through.  I've tried this or that tool but they all seemed buggy or incomplete.  So I decided to write my own.

The ​result is Ophelia.  Based on the play framework and twitter bootstrap, and hosted on github, this represents my attempt to fill this tool gap.  What I have ready now isn't 100% of what I want but I'm to the point now that I feel like I should get more eyeballs on it to help validate the direction I'm going and working out the issues I know are there.  There are a number of known issues and limitations but the more relevant one is that, for now, this needs to be run on the same host as your mongo database.   This will probably be the next thing I tackle but for now, that's how it is.  I'll also be adding things like online help and user guides so you can learn things like clicking on a collection name will populate the query field with a basic find query.

I'm planning on adding loads more features now that the base is done.  If there's something you'd like to see or if you find a bug, please file an issue and we'll see where it goes.​

Update: Added some screenshots below.