Wicket and Embedded GlassFish

One of the newer features available in GlassFish v3 is the ability to run glassfish in an embedded mode similar to how jetty is often used. This is approach is very common when working with Wicket and is, in fact, part of the quickstart maven archetype.  So what I'd like to see is GlassFish in place of Jetty.  It's not terribly difficult once you get past the first few steps.  This is a pretty new (and evolving) option so the documentation isn't all that easy to find, necessarily, but it's building.  I'll list some resources at the end. The first step, of course, is to configure maven appropriately.  In my pom.xml, I have the following:

            GlassFish Nexus Repository

This will add the repository to find the deployed GlassFish artifacts. With that done, we can define a few dependencies:


${glassfish.version} here is defined elsewhere in the pom to 3.0. The class at the center of it all looks like this:

public class Embedded {
    public void start() throws IOException {
        final Server server = new Server.Builder("testBuilder").build();
        ContainerBuilder containerBuilder = server.createConfig(ContainerBuilder.Type.web);
        final EmbeddedWebContainer container = (EmbeddedWebContainer) containerBuilder.create(server);
        final EmbeddedDeployer deployer = server.getDeployer();
        DeployCommandParameters deployParams = new DeployCommandParameters();
        deployParams.contextroot = "/";     // overrides whatever the WAR contains
        File archive = new File("target/wicket-glassfish").getAbsoluteFile();
        System.out.println("Deployed: " + deployer.deploy(archive, deployParams));

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new Embedded().start();
        while (true) {

Now, that's all rather dense, I know. This code is a condensed version of a much larger, more complete version written by Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine. His blog is a great resource not only for embedded GlassFish but all sorts of GlassFish related topics. This is all that's needed to run your app on GlassFish.

There are a number of other avenues left to explore. If you want to run glassfish from maven, you'll want to probably look at this entry. You can also enable some security as noted here. For the definitive word on the matter, however, please see the formal documentation for embedded glassfish here.

Grizzly and WebSockets

As HTML5 lumbers its way through the standardization process, more and more developers are starting to play with the emerging features.  One feature getting some serious attention is that of the websocket.  Full details of the websocket protocol can be found here but I'll lay out the basics of it.  Essentially a websocket is a TCP based socket that can be opened from a webpage via, typically, javascript code allowing bidirectional communication between the browser and the server.  This allows for comet-like interactions but with an extra benefit (or two).  Once the websocket connection is established there are no more protocol negotiations and handshakes unlike your typical AJAX conversations.  And unlike (most?) comet implementations, a websocket can process multiple requests from the client.  Obviously, this can lead to some rather interesting use cases. It's early yet so support for websockets on either end of the browser/server connection is spotty at best.  But we're staring to see browser support emerge and a number of server side options are popping up as well.  This morning I committed an early rough draft, if you will, for support inside the grizzly project and soon glassfish itself.  It's a mostly complete implementation and is ready for some experimentation.  At the moment, the sample in the unit tests that will be of the most interest is a servlet based approach.  What's nice about the current approach is that the servlet is largely unaware that it's involved in a websocket transaction at all.  There's a lot of value in something like that but might limit some other, more powerful, use cases.

For now, though, you can play with the unit tests and see what can be done.  It's preliminary but working and the API will evolve as we get feedback from the community.  We'll be discussing how best to expose this functionality without needing to know all that much about grizzly internals.  We'll be looking at other cases such as jetty and atmosphere to make sure we can provide a smooth, useful API that most people are comfortable with.  There's been talk at various levels of building some form of standard interface to plug in to various websockets implementations on the server side but until then, we'd love your help in building something with grizzly and glassfish that we can all use.

So please join us on the mailing lists and give us a hand.

GlassFish v3 is out

Today marks the official(ish) release of GlassFish v3.  v3 is the product of years of hard work in what is, in some ways, a rewrite of v2.  Built on top of OSGi, v3 offers a modularity and extensibility leap over v2.  It's also the first to fully support the JEE 6 specification.  I've been a spring guy for a long time now but honestly (and employer imposed bias aside)  JEE 6 makes a compelling case for skipping spring altogether.  At least for my uses. GlassFish v3 and JEE 6 offers a number of profiles so you can install as much or as little as you'd like.  Using the web profile gives you everything you need to run many web apps.  You can add additional features via the updatecenter as you need them often without needing to restart the server.  If you're a v2 user most of that should be very familiar to you already.  Borrowing from Eduardo's blog entry:

Key links available now:

• GlassFish v3 Main Product PageJavaEE 6 Hub • JavaEE 6 Downloads (multiple bundles) • Java EE 6 Feature Article (also see Overview White Paper).

You can read more here.  You can also find all the GlassFish v3 related blogs on blogs.sun.com (at least those tagged as such) here.  I'm really quite excited about this release but at the risk of sounding too press releasey about it all, I'll leave the gushing to others.  You can check it for yourself by downloading it.

Download it.  Kick the tires.  Take it for a spin.  I think you're going to like what you find.  Especially if you haven't given glassfish a look in some time.  This is truly a different creature.