gizmo vs. skype

I finally signed up for an account with skype the other day and I'm pretty excited about the idea. (I know I'm coming late to the party.) But I was reading some random blog and the writer said he preferred gizmoproject over skype. Looking at the two, I'm not sure which is really better. Both offer apps to run on a cell phone to have VOIP goodness wherever you go. Both offer free calls to other service users. I'm not sure which I should spend my time with. Do I just stay with skype since I've already signed up? Do I switch to the gizmoproject? Should I use both? (That seems a little overkill.) Any suggestions?

IDEA 5.1

IDEA 5.1 has been released to much rejoicing. Well, I rejoiced at least. I've seen some occasional instabilities with 5.0.2 but I think I've traced it to cache corruption/staleness. IDEA would suddenly fail to parse my code and I'd get stack traces involving the PSI code in the error tracker. The workaround is to shutdown, delete the cache from disk, and restart. I don't think this is fixed in 5.1 as I just looked at the bug(s) entered against it but hopefully at least the Jetbrains guys are aware of it now. 5.1 is a bit snappier with some nice new features. You should definitely check it out.

RSS Readers

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I did want to share a tidbit with you. I've been looking for a decent RSS aggregator for windows for the last week or two. Under KDE, I've been using akregator and been overall pleased with it (not to mention accustomed to its operation). So I've been trying to find something similar under windows. I think I've found it : RSS Bandit. It's a nice slick interface and is easily integrated with firefox though it does boast a built-in browser window, too. So if you're looking for a good reader, I'd definitely suggest you check out RSS Bandit.